Another source in for information on this issue on IAFF and Volunteers (Hope the links work you)
IAFF clashes with IAFC over 'two-hatter' issue
By Jamie Thompson On Friday, the IAFC released a position statement on the rights of volunteer, career, and paid-on-call firefighters to serve multiple organizations or communities.
In an open letter to the IAFC, Harold A. Schaitberger, General President of the IAFF, responded Tuesday by saying "this is not an issue that welcomes or warrants an opinion from the IAFC." He went on to call the statement an attempt to "meddle" in the IAFF's internal affairs. According to Schaitberger, the IAFF's clear position remains that secondary employment of IAFF members – including part-time, paid-on-call or volunteer -- as a firefighter or other public safety worker is wrong, unsafe and against the IAFF's constitution. In the IAFC's original statement, the group said it recommends that no membership organization should restrict the right to serve in multiple organizations or communities. "Each man and woman who chooses to live a life of volunteer service does so out of a selfless and personal commitment," it said. "It should not be incumbent upon any organization to dictate or influence the extent of this deeply personal act." Writing on FireRescue1' s new blog, The Kitchen Table, Art Goodrich has offered his perspective on the debate. "I don’t believe that it is wise to volunteer in the rural portion of the municipal department that a firefighter works full time for, but I see nothing wrong with that same firefighter volunteering outside of the community where he works. It should be his/her individual right to volunteer or not."
1 comment:
Hi HoldTheBox,
Thank you for linking to our article! I was wondering if you would include our new blog, The Kitchen Table, in your blogroll.
You can contact me at christine(dot)laquer(at)
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