Thursday, July 23, 2009

Guinness World Record Fire Truck Parade


Cass County, Casselton, ND Summerfest will be celebrated during the weekend of August 13-16, 2009. The parade, which is scheduled for Saturday, August 15th, at 11:00 A.M., represents one of the many events planned for the weekend. They invite you and/or your organization to participate in this parade. This year, they will be making a Guinness Book of World Records attempt for the most fire trucks in a parade. Currently, the record for the largest parade of fire trucks is 159 and was achieved by Vogt Ltd., Fire Service Accessories and Vehicles in Oberdiessbach, Switzerland on April 28, 2006. Sponsors are hoping that they can beat this record. The main criteria are that the entry must have been in service at some time and had a capability of extinguishing a fire. So that eliminates a Fire Chief Vehicle or rescue truck. They are hoping that they can count on your department to participate with at least 1 fire truck.


There are over 100 entered already from
Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota as of July 23, 2009.

Watch their website, for more details.

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