Thursday, May 14, 2009

Senator Sanders Introduces Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act

Senator Bernie Sanders (D – VT) has introduced the Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act of 2009 (S. 882) to promote retention and recruitment of volunteer emergency responders. The bill would authorize federal matching funds to state and local governments or nonprofit associations that provide benefits to volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel.

“I’d like to thank Senator Sanders for introducing this important piece of legislation,” said National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg. “Retention and recruitment are the most significant issues facing the volunteer fire and emergency services today and it is important that the federal government support ongoing efforts at the state and local level to address these challenges.”

The number of volunteer firefighters in the country has decreased by about eight percent over the past three decades, even as the number of residents in communities protected by volunteer firefighters has increased. Additionally, approximately 50 percent of volunteer firefighters today are over the age of 40 compared to just 36 percent 25 years ago.

Under S. 882, the federal government would reimburse entities that fund benefits for volunteer emergency responders such as service award programs, travel and training reimbursement, health insurance assistance, life insurance, tuition and school loan forgiveness, and property tax reductions.

“Some states and local governments already provide these incentives, but, unfortunately, many communities that rely on volunteer firefighters and emergency medical services personnel, particularly in rural and low-income areas, cannot afford these benefits,” Sanders said. “This bill aims to support the best of what local fire companies want to do and what they know will work for them to attract and keep volunteers.” 

 OpenCongress - U.S. Congress - S.3676 Volunteer Firefighter and ...

S.3676 Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act of 2008 on OpenCongress. ... US Congress: S. 3676, The Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act of 2008. ...

Vol. FF EMS Support Act of 2009 - CafeMom

`(2) REPORTS FROM THE SECRETARY- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of the Volunteer Firefighter and EMS Support Act of 2009, ...

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