Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Leather Boots Versus Rubber Boots

Leather Boots Versus Rubber Boots

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is conducting a study of the impact on the body from wearing boots designated for suppression operations. One of the primary concerns is weight.

A rubber boot weighs about three pounds heavier than leather boots. The NFPA has expressed concern that boot weight may contribute to the stress of firefighting. This may lead directly to some of the 80,000 plus injuries occurring each year to firefighters.

Proactive departments have already switched to leather boots because of the comfort and safety factor. Though the price is higher the payoff is in a reduction of on the job injuries leading to workman's compensation claims.

Civilian administrators reading this article may wish to ask their respective fire chief if a switch has been made, and if not, encourage the purchase of leather boots.

Photos of 2 types of fire fighter bootsNIOSH Web Site

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