Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks at IAFF’s 2009 conference.

Joe Biden: Fighting for Firefighters

In case you missed it, as he was at the Union conference, we will wait and see if he goes to any volunteer firefighter conferences? March 17, 2009

Below, courtesy of the White House, is the full text of Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks at IAFF’s 2009 conference.

In case you don’t feel like reading the entire text, here are a few highlights:

“Like you, I don’t want to read another obituary about a fire fighter who lost his life by putting himself in harm’s way for the good of the community.”

“You know, we’ve already increased funding for stations, equipment, better training, more protective clothing. We included $210 billion in the Recovery Act. We’re committed to increasing funding for SAFER, which will go directly to fire departments, so you can hire more trained fire fighters to work by your sides and retain — important point — retain fire fighters who are in danger, as they were in Philadelphia, of being laid off. "

“Finally, the Public Safety Employee Cooperation Act, blocked by the last administration, will pass this time, and the President will sign it and he’ll sign it with pride.”

“But, folks, the truth is, as you commit to saving the lives of Americans who are in danger, you continue to do that and we will continue, Barack Obama and I will continue to do everything we can to not only deal with saving their lives but saving your lives. They’re not just puffed-up platitudes. This is your new government taking bold action to ensure that as a community of fire fighters, you are as strong as possible.”

“And the thing about you guys that I love about you men and women is you’re crazy. Folks, the thing about you all that people don’t get, is it runs through your whole being. The very thing that made you firefighters make you such darn good citizens. Think about it. Think about any other profession. How many people are so involved in the things in the community that matter to people’s lives? I know you like the excitement. As I said, you’re crazy. "


THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you. (Applause.) Folks, thank you very, very much. Man, it’s good to be with you. (Applause.) It’s good to be with you. (Applause.) Please, thank you very, very much. (Applause.) Thank you. (Applause.) It’s good to be home with all of you. (Applause.) Thank you so much. I appreciate that warm welcome. And understand that the feeling is mutual.

Let me begin by thanking Harold. Harold was always an ally and a good acquaintance. But during the campaign, and since the campaign, we’ve become close personal friends. I want to tell you that I know of no labor leader, I know of no business leader, I know of no leader who bleeds more for the losses of his men and women, and who cares more about their physical and financial security than Harold Schaitberger. And, Harold, they’re lucky to have you, and you’re lucky to have them. It’s a good marriage. (Applause.)

Now, about that bell. (Laughter.) I got two things about the same time: I got a bell, and a German Shepherd puppy. (Laughter.) And I got 13 acres that is fenced in, in the middle of 75 acres. I always voted for public housing — I never knew it was going to be this good. (Laughter.) And guess what — (applause) — German Shepherd puppies respond to bells. (Laughter.)

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we should start by — I want to personally — give a personal thank you. As they say, as the President says, a shout out to Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia for keeping those fire stations open. (Applause.) We did it. We did it. (Applause.) Five engine companies and two truck companies, and more importantly, all those jobs saved. It was one of the first pieces of the economic Recovery Act we were actually able to put to work, and put to work the way we want to see that money put to work. We want to see it — put the money into saving jobs, but also, particularly saving jobs that are absolutely essential to the community, the safety and well-being of the community.

So I — and I was in Philadelphia this morning. I’m there a lot. This morning my mom was operated on. She’s 92 years old, and God love her, she came through. She broke her hip, and she came through the operation incredibly well. I told her that — (applause) — those of you who’ve met my mom, you know she’s fairly politically astute — (laughter) — and she still runs the show. And so I said, "don’t worry, Mom — last night I went up to see her, and with, obviously, my brothers and my sister and my wife and my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and my daughter and my — everybody is up, because Mom-Mom runs the show. You think I’m joking — I’m not. (Laughter.)

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